Dear esteemed members,
We kindly request you to take a moment and introduce yourselves to the HybridElectric Forums community. 🚗🔌 Let's get to know each other better.
Thank you and best regards, 🙏 HybridElectric Forums 👋
Hi everyone! 👋
I'm AutoFan, a car enthusiast here at HybridElectric Forums! Excited to discuss EVs and the future of transportation. Let's connect and share our passion!
Best regards, AutoFan 🚗
Hi Everybody
Recently i did a training with serveral vehicules EV, Toyota, Mini, Peugeot and i want to continue learning in this world
Thank for accept me
Hello everyone im jay from london
got lots knowledge in vehicle repair wanting to share and gain knowledge
looking forward to working together
Hello to all members
We are car repair workshop in Ireland . Looking to learn and share what we are know about ev vehicles
Witam grupowiczow forum hybrydy elektryki
Hi my name its lucas i from ireland i car mechanic / electric repairs nice to see a new forum
Hello everyone, My name is Killian and I am here mainly because I have an activehybrid 5 that I need advice on.
Witam wszystkich i pozdrawiam, Łukasz jestem prowadzę warsztat. Zajmuje się elektryka i mechanika
Witam wszystkich, Mam na imię Jakub. Jestem elektrykiem samochodowym z okolic Poznania . Pozdrawiam wszystkich forumowiczów.
Witam wszystkich użytkowników tego forum . Jestem pasjonatem pojazdów z napędem elektrycznym . Mieszkam i pracuje w Szczecinie
Hello from the Netherlands. Here mainly to get knowledge about BMW hybrid/Electric vehicles.
How to pass the 12 digit code for battery activation (for instance). Help to do repair work in electric vehicles.
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